protocol for
data trading

Ad–Yo — is a scalable open-source platform based on blockchain and peer-to-peer networking technologies


Our mission is to change the way advertisers and customers interact.

Customers can trade their accurate and depersonalized data to advertisers in the global digital market and earn profit for viewed ads without intermediaries.

The transaction for viewed ads
is conducted between customers and advertisers without third parties

All views are authentic

All rewards for ad views go to customers


Ad–Yo allows customers to sell access to their blockchain-encrypted personal data and receive payments for ad views and other actions taken.


Ad–Yo allows customers to sell access to their blockchain-encrypted personal data and receive payments for ad views and other actions taken.

Identity that matters

Every individual has a set of values and interests that come together in a unique way

The NFT reflects the evolution of the profile, which develops alongside the customer's interactions with advertisers and purchasing choices


For every Ad-Yo customer, a dynamic NFT artwork is created using generative technologies, based on the personal data provided by the customer

Decoration picture

My data

my property

The customer creates a profile with accurate personal data that is verified and hashed.

Encrypted snapshots of the customer's depersonalized data are stored on the Ad–Yo blockchain.

The customer's personal data is stored securely on their mobile device, and only they have access to it.

A transparent decentralized economy

The advertiser purchases ad impressions by verified customers. Blockchain provides transparency of transactions and ad views

Reliable information about the number of ads viewed is stored in a decentralized database on the blockchain and can be easily accessed

The advertiser gets the opportunity to set up advertising campaigns, effectively focusing them on the right audience

Effective audience targeting is performed based on accurate personal data provided by the customer

Compliance with GDPR data protection law

This law establishes the rights of customers in relation to their personal data, namely: access control, storage, edit and deletion. Ad-Yo fully complies with the law: personal data is stored directly on user devices, and their data encrypted in hashes is stored on the blockchain. The advertiser gets access to this data only with the consent of the customer.

Rewards for viewing ads

All revenue from ads in the current business model goes to media platforms. The customers themselves act as a product, receiving nothing but access to the platform itself. With Ad-Yo, the customer receives all rewards minus the network commission.


Depersonalized customer data, ad views and transaction information are recorded in the blockchain and can be verified for authenticity.


The platform provides advertisers access to each customer and their interests without revealing the identity of that customer.

Scalable open-source protocol

Media platforms, social networks, instant messengers, games

Affiliate network / referral program. Increasing the loyalty of the target audience, attracting a new audience

The global digital advertising market was valued at approximately $420.64 billion in 2023. It is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5% from 2023 to 2030, reaching an estimated $1,154.43 billion by the end of the forecast period (GrandViewResearch)


Thanks to open-source solutions, the technology can be integrated into the global trade and media industries


Viewing ads and buying goods from the real sector within a single system

The e-commerce market is estimated to reach a valuation of approximately $8.80 trillion in 2024 and is expected to grow to $18.81 trillion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.80% during the forecast period (2024-2029) (MordorIntelligence)

A new paradigm in digital advertising